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Dark Harvest

When an incorruptible Texas police officer learns his daughter has a rare disease, he is desperate to find an organ donor to save her life, but when he does, he also learns that the potential supplier is running an international, illegal organ harvesting ring.

Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas
Pole dancers
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Rare diseases


1. Bye, Bye, Cop
2. You Don’t Have a Cat
3. The Kid’s Fine
4. A Rare Disease
5. Bo-Bo Knows Numbers
6. The Carousel
7. Wearing a Cape
8. Chocolates
9. Feed the Squirrels
10. The Look of Death
11. Pole Dancer
12. Potato Eaters
13. Mole
14. This Doesn’t Wash
15. My Cat, Leon
16. Cap
17. I Feel Really Good
18. Farm to Market Road
19. AKA Rider
20. Big, Bad, Dershanea
21. Fire
22. Fake
23. Hats and Badges
24. El Mercado
25. Chaufer Can’t Die
26. Self-Inflicted
27. The Consortium
28. Ali
29. Connections
30. Bonner
31. Judge Goresuck
32. San Miguel De Allende
33. La Fitte
34. Corpus Christi
35. The Guy You Wanted?
36. Slow Down, I’ll Shoot
37. Cold, Little Fella?
38. River Walk
39. Don’t Unpack
40. Bab’s Boucherie
41. Red Tattoo
42. Long-Life Noodles
43. 5-Star Hotel
44. Rockport, Texas
45. Lake Chapala
46. Bury Her Deep
47. A Brave Front
48. Brunei
49. Julio Jar
50. Ninth Circle of Hell
51. The Best Person I Know
52. Ka-Boom
53. Partnership, Darling
54. People Who Count
55. Alone In the Cold
56. We All Make Mistakes
57. Scream Inside Her Head
58. Nothing Bad Will Happen
59. Everybody Lies


ISBN   978-1-949984-05-7